The C Major Chord is a quite stretchy chord. When you start practicing this chord for the first time, make sure that you take quick breaks every couple of minutes. Give your fingers time to get use to the stretch. It usually takes between 2 and 4 hours to master this chord. Practice every day for 1o mins and you will nail it in two/three weeks … not bad no !?!?

C Major Chord

D major Chord
The D Major Chord is a quite easy one to memorize. I visualize it as a triangle shaped Chord. Good news is, this chord is quite pact (no fingers stretch). Bad news, the first string seems to be quite a pain to get it right. The most common mistake is the fact that most of the time the third finger (second string) sit on the first string generating this horrible muffle sound. Watch the video to learn how to get rid of this problem …

E Major Chord
E major is an easy to remember chord. No fingers stretch. The whole E chord family (minor, minor 7, add9 and so on) tend to be quite friendly. I have to say, this is probably one of the most easiest chord you will ever learn. Just a quick tip. Make sure you place the fingers really close to the fret wire as this chord can get easily a bit buzzy on the low strings (5th and 4th) … What a Chord !!!

G Major Chord
The is the chord that every Guitar Players play each time they grab a Guitar. It happen to me all the time. Doesn’t matter when I am and which Guitar I am about to Play, as soon as I grab it … Bum!!! … G major chord. There are many different way to practice this chord. This is my favorite shape. What’s yours !!! Stretchy yes, but with love …

A Major Chord
The A Major is a “I look easy but I am not” Chord. I mean, look at him. Three fingers within one fret. How easy is that!!! Well buddy, let me tell you something. This chord is a pain. The index finger on the forth string sounds always kind of dead. It is actually really hard to squeeze the three fingers in one fret so I have decided to play this chord with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th finger leaving the index out. Don’t mess with me index !!!