The D minor chord is an easy Chord but for some reason beginners struggle quite a lot to achieve the right sound. As well as C major, this chord is stretchy. The two common mistakes you will probably fall into are 1) First string muffled. Don’t sit with the third finger (second string) on the first string. 2) Sixth string issue: This chord doesn’t want you to play the sixth string ( Thanks for that bloody D minor). Ignore this role an this chord will sound quite messy and horrible … Use the thumb to muffle the sixth string.

D Minor Chord

D Minor Chord
Finally an easy Chord !!! The E minor is the most Friendly, Cute, Pain-Killer, Relaxing, Motivating, Deep, Profound Chord !!! When I teach this chord I really feel like the Dalai Lama. I usually use the 2nd and 3rd finger but you can use also the 1st and 2nd as alternative fingers.It really depend which chord you have next. Good bless you E minor …

A Minor Chord
A minor and E major chord have exactly the same shape but starting from a different string. This chord is easy and friendly and can be connected with lots of other chords. Remember to keep the fingers close to the frets in order to avoid the buzzing noise. Not much to say about this chord … Sorry for that A minor !!!