Hey guys, welcome to another lesson! Today, we are going to talk about “The riff,” and in particular a Bluesy riff that I wrote just yesterday.
A riff is a musical idea repeated throughout the song. It can be a set of chords, a melody, or a short pattern
In this lesson, we are going to learn how to play this simple bluesy riff played with both the major scale and the minor pentatonic scale. The cool thing about such a simple riff is that it can be easily transposed to a different chord while keeping the same rhythm and contour.
By repeating the riff several times throughout the song, it becomes clear to the audience that this musical idea is not just an accompaniment, but it is the song itself.
This is why, when the riff is soo recognizable, it becomes a song!
I hope that with this lesson you get inspired. Learn this awesome bluesy riff and then, spend time creating your riffs. Try to come up with at least three different ideas.
Enjoy this lesson.
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