Hey guys! Today I am going to show you how to play a bunch of open chords that work like magic. We will combine the fingerpicking technique, open chords, and a melody to write and develop a beautiful chord progression.
For guitar players, the open chord is a chord played with fretted notes and open strings. Think about the E minor, G major, C major chord, etc.
We can grab this concept and take it to the next level by moving the fretted notes on a higher position of the neck. This approach allows you to create unique chords that sound awesome on the guitar.
These chords come with a price! Some shapes, especially the add9, can be quite stretchy on the left hand, so I suggest that you take things step-by-step. Learn one chord at a time!
Watch the video to learn more about these chords, the over-ringing technique, and the plucking pattern we will be using.
Enjoy the lesson!