Simple Yet Beautiful | Beautiful Guitar Chords for Beginners
Today I am going to show you a simple yet beautiful chord progression on fingerpicking guitar. The chords I am about to show you are among the most popular chords we play all the time, yet they sound different.
Let me explain why.
Ask yourself this question: How do we learn chords on the guitar?
For many of us, chords are a bunch of shapes to put together when playing a song. I don’t want to oversimplify, but this is what chords are.
Certain shapes are more popular than others. Think about G major, E minor, A minor, D major, etc. These are the basic chords we play all the time.
But what if we try to play these simple chords differently to create beautiful music?
Let’s give more character to the chords by adding a fingerpicking pattern, a simple melody, and a structure.
This is how we write beautiful music.
In this lesson, I am going to transform a straightforward chord progression in G major into something sweet and lovely to play.
There are three different parts. I recommend that you start from the very first step, but feel free to click around if you want.
Enjoy this lesson.