Fingerstyle Guitar Technique
Let’s get into details and let me show you what fingerstyle guitar technique is and how to develop a solid control, fluidity and musicality.
Fingerstyle guitar is awesome but it can also be really frustrating if you don’t know how to develop a good technique.
In this section we are going to lean in detail
- Hot to position the right hand on the strings.
- How to pluck the strings with the thumb
- The 45 degree rule to pluck the strings smoothly
- How to avoid bad habits
How to position the right hand on the strings
It is really important to really understand how to position your right hand on the strings. When you pluck the strings you want achieve full control, dynamics and fluidity.

The first step is to position the thumb in front of the fingers as shown in this picture.
This finger will always pluck downward so it’s vital that the index finger seats right behind him. By using the thumb in the right way, your right hand position is already perfectly set and ready to play!
The fingers position
When plucking the strings the fingers position is of paramount importance.
As you see in this pictures I position my fingers behind the thumb and pluck the stings upward towards the palm.
I honestly thing that this is the best way to really position your right hand on the strings. However, there is always room for experimenting and finding your own way.
The 45 degree rule
Another thing to consider when you start implementing fingerstyle technique in your guitar playing is the plucking angle and guitar tone.
For me, plucking the strings with a 45 degree angle is probably the most common and easy way to quickly achieve a clear tone and fingers fluidity.
The 45 degree rules is used by 90% of fingerstyle guitar players and once you learn it yourself you will be able to easily spot other guitar players using exactly the same!

In this picture took it from the web you can see how to three fingers index, middle and ring finger are rolling on the side forming a 45 degree angle that makes the right hand look pretty relaxed, close to the strings and ready to pluck.
By using the 45 degree rule you willl be able to pluck the stings and reduce flying fingers, unwanted movements and slappy sounds.
You will also be able to pluck the strings smoothly and avaid grabbing them.
Fingerstyle 45 Degree Tone
On the benefit of developing the 45 degree angle is the amazing tone and dynamics you are going to achieve.
Guitar strings are really dynamics.
Pluck the strings with your fingers in line with the string and the tone will be thin and slappy. Change to a 45 degree angle and the tone magically become mellow, rounded, dull and harmonious.
Just “plucking” the strings doesn’t work guys so make sure you spend a little bit of time working on the right hand 45 degree angle and develop an amazing tone and control. It will take a little bit of time, but it’s all worth it!
How not to pluck the strings
Let’s spend few words talking about the things you never wanna do when it come to acoustic fingerstyle guitar. I am going to show you the three most common fingerstyle mistakes guitar players do when they start playing and how to fix them.
You should always prevent picking up bad habits. Prevention is better than cute. Also, if you play guitar for too long using the wrong fingerstyle approach can affect your daily improvement, motivation and drive and it could be really difficult to fix these bad habits once they become “part of your playing”.
Let’s get started.
1 – Don’t Rest Any Finger on the Guitar
This is one of the most common mistakes I usually see. Resting your fingers on the guitar will affect not only the right hand articulation but also your left hand coordination as well as tone, dinamcs, fluidity and musicality.
In this picture you can see my fingers resting on the body of my guitar and how affect the overall right hand position. By using that posture I am more lickely to grab and pull the strings with a result of slappy, horrible sound. Also, the tendons are really contracted so I increase the risk of tendinitis.
Just one exception
There are some guitar players that rest the little fingers on the body. I consider that to be the only exception you might wanna consider when you start implementing fingerstyle guitar in your guitar playing. However, I highly recommend you avoid that if you can.
If you are a fingerstyle beginner you might wanna start practicing this technique using what 90% of guitar players do rather that base your decisions on few exception.
2 – Thumb behind the Fingers
This is another common bad habit that so many guitar players pick up when they start. The majority of players who make this mistakes are kids and fingerstyle beginners who start without guidance.
The problem with this way of playing is that the thumb will constantly clash with the index finger, making plucking the strings difficult and frustrating.
This bad habit is one of the most difficult to fix.
I highly recommend you start working on it as soon as you find out! You might wanna ask to a teacher to follow you for a while so that you make sure it’s fixed and long gone.
3 – Plucking Angle
Another thing you must focus on when you start playing fingerstyle acoustic guitar is that the strings of your guitar respond dynamically to the plucking.

Bad plucking equal bad sound!
Plucking the strings with your fingers positioned flat on the strings will result in poor volume, slappy strings and poor control and fluidity.
This is also really difficult to fix because once you get used to the thumb position, it will be really unnatural for you to pluck the strings in the right way.
If you find yourself playing that way, I highly recommend you practice a ton of Classical guitar fingerstyle patterns to help you adjust your right hand position. Consistency is the key. Short practice session could also help.
Good luck!
Your Journey
If you made it to the end, it means that you probably really care about fingerstyle acoustic guitar. I do to!
Let me thank you by giving you something that can help you with your guitar playing!
Right here you can create your free BlitzGuitar Account and instantly access three 100% free fingerstyle video programs.
More info below!
Get Three Fingerstyle Programs 100% Free!
Honestly, I hate 90% off all the free stuff I find online. Poor quality content makes the majority of the stuff you download worthless.
I hate that and I would hate myself if I do the same.
Instead, I do my best to create weekly fingerstyle acoustic guitar lessons that are worth trying and even if I know I can’t please all the people who visit I feel really happy that the majority of you learn something everyday on this webpage.
Below a list of free fingerstyle lessons and payed programs available on
My Articles
One thing I love is my Article journal full of acoustic guitar lessons.
Every day I think of new guitar concepts that guitar players can practice to spice up their playing, motivate them and make them feel that the struggles their are going through is normal and at some point inevitable.
Playing guitar is awesome but it can also be really frustrating sometimes. I want to give you guidance!
With the lessons in the Articles page I want to share with you everything I know about acoustic guitar so that you can improve you guitar playing and learn practical fingerstyle concepts that you’ll find nowhere on the web.
Each fingerstyle acoustic guitar article will focus on a specific approach of guitar style. You can learn things such as right hand position, how to stretch your left hand fingers, guitar chords, how to create simple melodies, easy chords for beginners, how to organize your practice routine, how to simplify a song, Spanish guitar arpeggio and more lessons every week.
Check the Fingerstyle Articles here
BlitzGuitar Account
Another awesome way to learn fingerstyle acoustic guitar is to create your free BlitzGuitar account here at
Once you sing up you can instantly access three guitar programs that can help you with your fingerstyle technique.
- BlitzGuitar Mini Course: Where I challenge you to learn a chord progression, rhythmic pattern and melody in less then 60 minutes. This is an awesome fingerstyle guitar lesson for beginners and the majority of people who take the challenge, made it!
- BlitzGuitar Melody lab: Here you can learn simple guitar melodies for beginner. You’ll get the video and guitar tab. All you got to do is to put in the work and start learning.
- Fingerstyle Engine: The fingerstyle program for intermediate guitar player. There are about 30 fingerstyle lessons here that are more challenging. Improve your fingerstyle technique using a bunch of practical exercises.
The three programs are 100% free and can be instantly accessed here at All you need to do is to create your free account and start learning.