Four Melodies in D minor
Over Melodic Backing Track
What a hot day in Manila! One of the good thing about living in the Philippines is that you never feel cold.
Today I am sharing a super guitar lesson guys! I am going to challenge you in a different way. We are going to have fun but you have to be willing to try something new.
I know, sometimes new things can be scary but you never gonna get to the next level unless you try new things!
In this lesson I am going to show you four melodies in D minor over a melodic backing track.
I am pretty sure you are familiar with playing melodies and if you have been following me for a while chances are that you learned some of the melodies I teach inside my programs.
But today, we will add a new element that will change the way we approach a melody, a backing track.
A backing track is an audio track with a looped chord progression that goes on for minutes. It’s just chords and it can be used to improvise or write melodies.
We will be using a backing track in D minor and I am going to show you four different melodies in D minor you can play along with the track.
The awesome thing about using a backing track is that you don’t have to worry about playing chords, in fact we will only play single notes however, there are guitar players who struggle playing along with backing track. Here’s why:
- Struggle keeping up with the rhythm.
- They can’t figure out where the melody starts.
- Timing isn’t good.
- The backing track is actually a distraction.
If this is the first time you are playing along with a backing track I recommend listening to the beginning of the video several times so that you can familiarize yourself with the melody. Then slowly learn the phrase before playing along with the track.
You can get access to the full tab and the backing track on my Patreon page. Become a Patron and access a ton of lessons and programs for as little as $15. Here a full list of my Patreon lessons currently available.
Now grab your guitar and let’s get started.
The Video
The Backing Track
Chord Progression
So how are we going to play these melodies in D minor?
We will be using a melodic backing track. The chord progression is very simple and I’ve already recorded a video where I show you how to play the chords.
The chord progression is: D minor, Bb major, C major and A minor
You can watch the guitar lesson here!
The D minor Scale
The melodies in D minor that you are about to learn today are based on the D minor scale.
We will use one position only so it should be easy for you to learn the melodies.
Here’s the D minor scale in one box.
Become a Patron and get the full tab and backing track. Info below.
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- Guitar Lessons in London
- Strumming Guitar Lessons – Justin Guitar
- Melodies in D minor
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