Welcome to another beginner guitar lesson, guys. Today I am going to show you how to combine major chords and fingerstyle techniques. The fingerpicking technique is one of the most creative guitar techniques you’ll ever use on the guitar. With this approach, you will pluck the string with the right-hand fingertips. In this lesson, we are going to use a fingerpicking pattern called P, i, m, a (thumb, index, middle, and ring. Enjoy this lesson!
Beginner Fingerpicking Lesson
If this is the very first time you play something with the fingerpicking technique, you should be happy! You are about to discover one of the most creative techniques on the guitar.
One of the most straightforward ways to get started with fingerstyle technique is by plucking the strings with this very first patter:
Thumb, index, middle, and ring, better known as P i m a.
If you are a beginner, you will find this lesson helpful for two reasons.
#1 Every Finger Counts
With this beginner fingerstyle exercise, you are forced to use each right-hand finger (except for the little finger which is usually not used).
So many beginners approach fingerstyle by plucking with one or two fingers only, most of the time, the thumb and index.
Even though it could be beneficial to narrow it down to one or two fingers only, it is also limiting. Start with the pattern shown in this video and develop each plucking finger equally.

#2 You Already Know the Chords
We are going to play the pattern over the A, D, and E major chord. If you are following this beginner course correctly, you’ve already learned the chords.
It is essential to combine a new technique with something you already know. This will make the journey more manageable and less frustrating.
Beginner Fingerpicking Exercise
Watch the video and come back here if you need the tab.

Quick Recap
- Learn the right-hand fingers name.
- Practice the chords using the fingepricking technique.
Lesson 8: Minor Chords for Beginners
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