Spooky/Dark/Mysterious CHORDS ON GUITAR
Hey guys, today I want to show you how to play spooky,creepy and mysterious CHORDS ON GUITAR.
Music, like language, can be used to express a wide range of emotions. It is important to really understand and learn different type of chords so that we can decide what to play based on our mood. I am not saying you should play creepy chords when you are scared, but you should be able to transfer a certain feeling on the guitar.
Exploring mysterious, dark and spooky chords on guitar will tune your ears to a different emotional type of chords which is completely different than playing major and minor chords.
Watch the video lesson below to learn how to play these awesome chords.
Don’t forget to keep the lights on!
More info about the chords I am using in this lesson in the article below 🙂
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What is a Chords | Major and Minor Chords on Guitar
Simply put a chord is a bunch of note that sound good together. The majority of chords that we play comes form the major scale.
Major and minor chords on guitar represent one of the most important aspect of any guitar player whether you are a beginner or an expert players.
Chords are built from the major scale by selecting the I III and V degree of the scale. We can apply this system on any degree of the scale and come up with 7 different chords.
The chords generated by the major scale are: Maj, Maj, min, Maj, Maj, min, diminished. For the C major scale we will have: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim.
Different type of Chords
Not all the chords in music come from the Major scale. There are chords, such as the one we are checking out today, which come from scales such as Melodic minor or Harmonic minor scale.
You should move on to those two scales only once you feel familiar with creating chords with the major scale.
Am(#11) – From Harmonic Minor Scale
The first chord I am going to show you in this video is the Am(#11) chord. This chord sounds dark, creepy and really “negative” and minor.
The D# note represents the #11 in this chord. The notes in this chord are: A A D# E C
If we analyze the A minor chord as well as the A minor scale notice that the note D is natural and not sharp. This is because this chord doesn’t come from the minor scale but from the harmonic minor scale E F# G A B C D# E.
Check the video or download the tab on my Patreon page.
Em69 – From Melodic Minor Scale
The second chord in this video is called Em69 from the Melodic minor scale.
The notes in this chords are: E G D# F# G
The Melodic minor works perfectly if you want to create mysterious chords on guitar. The E Melodic minor scale is played like this: E F# G A B C# D# E. The 6th and 7th degree are sharped.
This is a beautiful sounding chord!
Am69 – From the Melodic Minor Scale
Another minor chord from the Melodic minor scale the Am69 will be played in a completely different shape.
The notes in this chords are: A C E F# B.
This chords is beautiful and way easier to play than the Em69. The A minor melodic minor scale goes like this: A B C D E F# G#
The Am(maj7) – From the Melodic Minor Scale
The last example comes from the A Melodic minor scale. One of the thing I like the most about this chord is that we will be playing a minor chord but with the major 7th so the sound is very particular.
The notes in this chords are: A F# C E G#
Good luck guys.
Tabs available on my Patreon page.
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